
Have you ever gotten frustrated because you couldn’t remember your password? That frustration and wasted time can be in your past. LastPass is a password manager that can help keep track of passwords, generate strong passwords, secure notes, and store digital records. LastPass also gives you the option to securely share information, such as passwords, with anyone you needed to. No more worries about your information being hacked with strong generated passwords that protect against hacking. LastPass can also manage employee’s passwords for security and peace of mind. No more wasting time trying to go through the hoops to retrieve your password. With LastPass, one login is all you need to promote a productive flow in your work environment.

Personal Free

  • Access on all devices
  • Save & file passwords
  • Password generator
  • Secure notes
  • One-to-one sharing
  • Security challenge
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)


Everything included in Personal Free plus:

  • Unlimited shared folders
  • One-to-many sharing
  • 1GB encrypted file storage
  • Admin dashboard
  • Easy user management
  • Standard security policies
  • Basic reporting
  • Advanced multi-factor options (YubiKey, Sesame, and fingerprint authentication)
  • LastPass for applications


Everything included in LastPass Teams plus:

  • Directory integration with ldP
  • 100+ security policies
  • Group management
  • Additional multi-factor options (All available multi-factor options, including Symantec VIP, RSA SecurID, and Salesforce#)
  • Advanced reporting
  • API Access
  • SAML single sign-on
  • Cloud app provisioning

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