Business Evolution

Figuring out how to effectively utilize social media within your business can be a tricky task. On one hand, it’s critical for Marketing. On the other, it can be a major time suck. You’ll have to walk a fine line of utilizing the main players like Facebook and Instagram, alongside other lesser known social-related platforms to evolve your business and increase communication and productivity amongst employees and clients. We’re not going to spend time in Continue Reading

No Business as Usual

Currently, there is no such thing as Business as Usual. Every day, small and medium businesses are re-inventing how they function. The most unfortunate side-effect of this COVID-19 crisis is that many small businesses have closed, and many of those will not re-open. The economic repercussions from this event will ripple throughout the landscape for decades. Only the strong will survive.  For those who will survive this paradigm shift, now is the time to re-structure Continue Reading

5 Ways to Adapt in this New Work World

You’ve probably grown tired of hearing the words “adjusting to the new normal.” Unfortunately, though, there’s really no other way to say it. This pandemic has permanently changed our work environment, whether you’re already back in the office or remain in quarantine for several more weeks. We must create a new normal for how we work, manage network security, and maintain productivity across a more widespread team.  For example, a client earlier this week asked with their Continue Reading

How Technology Will Pull Us Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many businesses and people are struggling as the COVID-19 Pandemic closes restaurants and bars, cancels events, and forces people to practice social-distancing. Technology on our side allows us to maintain productivity and ensure life will continue at a somewhat normal clip. We believe there are three key reasons why technology will pull us all through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Successfully Deploying Your Remote Workforce

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many companies are considering work from home options to facilitate social-distancing and keep their workforce healthy. However, it’s not as simple as sending your employees home, firing up personal laptops and getting back to work.  Here are seven things you need to have lined up in order to successfully deploy your remote workforce. Tips for Successfully Deploying Your Remote Workforce Secure Remote Access: Employees should not have open access to Continue Reading

Collaboration: Microsoft Teams and BigO Services

Tis the season for celebrating family, friends, and team work. Collaboration has proven to be a huge benefit for productivity, which is a plus for your employees and company. It is important to select the right team members for a project, members who bring a unique and experienced perspective on the project subject. It is just as important to select the right collaboration software for your team. Microsoft Teams offers a versatile collaboration software that Continue Reading