Biggest Hacks in 2020

Worldwide losses from cybercrime skyrocketed to nearly $1 trillion in 2020. That’s more than the net worth of most countries. Run a quick search and you’ll be surprised at how many hacks occur every week. Modern security is the best it has ever been. Unfortunately, hackers are motivated to be one step ahead of all of us. Breaches resulting in credit card information hacked by the millions are quite common. Even the pandemic hasn’t slowed Continue Reading

Where is My Phone?

Where did your phone go? You had it right next to your bag and only looked away for a second! That is all it takes for a thief to swipe your phone. Depending on your security level that thief may not just have your physical device but also access to your bank accounts, shopping accounts, email, and pretty much your entire life. By following these 5 tips you protect yourself from physical and identity theft: Continue Reading

Ransomware Is Alive And Well

By now, you’re likely familiar with the threat of ransomware, and hopefully that is through training and not experience. While ransomware may not dominate the headlines the way it used to, don’t get fooled into thinking cybercriminals have retired this attack – it is alive and well.   What is ransomware?   In case you’re unfamiliar, ransomware is a malicious software that blocks computer access until a ransom demand is paid. Ransomware has been around for a long time, in Continue Reading

How to Spot a Phish

Phishing scams have become one of the most common forms of cybercrime today. Millions of people fall for Phishing scams every day, you may even know some who has fallen for a phishing scam. Phishing e-mails are a great danger to not only your computer, it can also lead to having your identity stolen, or worse it could cause a massive security risk to your business. These e-mails are more concerning due to the fact Continue Reading

Social Media in the Office

Everywhere you turn today you will find social media. People taking selfies at the grocery store, responding to Instagram while walking down the street, and of course checking Facebook while clocked in at work. What do you do when social media use gets out of hand in the workplace? It can seem like a never-ending battle with employees, but it doesn’t have to be that way.   Before you go any further, draft up a social Continue Reading

Ma! Did you make a new FB account?

Have you ever received a Facebook friend request from your mom even though she is already a friend of yours on Facebook? So, you call her up to make sure she didn’t forget her password again and just create a new FB page. Then, right after that, “she” sends you a video link saying you’re in a YouTube video. You think, “Well dang! I didn’t think she even knew how to use Messenger.” As the Continue Reading

Cyber Phishing 101

While the number of people falling for sending personal information to the crown prince of Nigeria in hopes of receiving his promised wealth and riches seems to be dropping, phishing remains a major issue. In fact, the number of phishing campaigns pursued by hackers around the world increased 65% in the last year.  What exactly is phishing? Hackers mimic the emails, forms, and websites of legitimate companies in an effort to lure people into providing their private, Continue Reading

Are you on a Hackers Watchlist?

In the last decade, billions of people have had their information stolen from one, if not multiple, business sectors. Technology is constantly expanding, and with new technology comes new ways of hacking into seemingly secure data. As technology advances, people tend to forget about outdated technology and are lackadaisical about security. Outdated devices, human error, malware and theft are all things that contribute greatly to the possibility of a data breach. It’s important to ensure companies are well Continue Reading

Mischievous Malware

Unfortunately, malware is not a foreign term, in fact it’s pretty well known to anyone that uses a computer. There are several types of malware, as well as mediums in which you may receive it. So, before you click on that link for the free cruise you won, think about all of the personal data you could be giving away. First, let’s take a quick tour of the types of malware you may run into.  Viruses: These act Continue Reading

The Cyber Threat That Holds Your Data For Ransom

“One million dollars!”  It’s the classic line from Dr. Evil, the villain from Austin powers, when he threatens the world with a nuclear bomb. This iconic scene may bring laughter to our minds, but in real life anything dealing with ransom is typically void of laughter. Ransomware is no exception!  What Is Ransomware? Ransomware is a software, paired with a hacker, that kidnaps your data and ransoms your company! When this happens, you have limited options; Continue Reading