Do You Validate?

“Excuse me, Sir, do you validate parking?” Okay, we’re not talking about parking validation but something that could cost you a lot more, backup data validation. Your company has a backup disaster recovery solution, so you think you’re good, right? How good is a backed up if the data is corrupted? When was the last time you checked that the files were being properly stored? Don’t wait until you’re dealing with data loss to realize Continue Reading

Where to Store My Data

So, you are looking into backup solutions? Awesome! Which option should you go with when it comes to where you should store your data? There are 3 main options of how to have your data stored: physical, cloud, or hybrid.  We’ll go over the pros, cons, and recommendations to help you with making the right decision. Physical Locally Stored Solutions: Uses a physical device on your local network or computer to store your backup data on.  This option gives you physical access Continue Reading

Back that Data Up!

March is here! And that means WORLD BACKUP DAY! Okay, maybe nobody else is that excited for it but we are! Backing up your data and confirming the validity of those backups is so important. What would happen if your computer crashed today? How many contacts or contracts would you lose? This can be a huge burden on small companies since losing even a single day worth of data may cost your company, not just money, but it’s reputation as well.  Validity of Backups  If you have some form of Continue Reading

Where is My Phone?

Where did your phone go? You had it right next to your bag and only looked away for a second! That is all it takes for a thief to swipe your phone. Depending on your security level that thief may not just have your physical device but also access to your bank accounts, shopping accounts, email, and pretty much your entire life. By following these 5 tips you protect yourself from physical and identity theft: Continue Reading

Who Makes Your IT Purchases?

This month we’ve been discussing the value of updating your current technology. We are using Medical Offices as our example, but in reality, this information is important to all small businesses. In this week’s blog, we will discuss the pitfalls of sticking your head in the sand by being resistant to change.  Let’s assume that everything we’ve said in previous articles about upgrading your technology resonated with you, and you agree 100% — now what? Continue Reading

Why the Break-fix Model Doesn’t Work

So, you may be wondering why the break-fix model doesn’t work. Grandpa always said, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. While we love Grandpa, that truism isn’t always true. Just like the customer is always right and other similar expressions, simply because people have been saying something forever doesn’t make it correct.  Still wondering why the break-fix model doesn’t work?  Break-fix fails: waiting to take action when something breaks before you fix it can end up being costly and disastrous in the long Continue Reading

IT Professional Job Description – What do they really do?

So, you’re working on drafting an IT professional job description. This series covers the most important factors to consider before you hire an in-house IT tech or team. Our last article reviewed the hidden costs of hiring an IT Professional. Now, we’re talking about what IT actually does besides ask if you turned your computer off and back on again.  Depending on the size of your organization, work in IT can be complicated and time-consuming. Let’s go over Continue Reading

The Hidden Costs of Hiring an IT Tech

If your business is at the point where you’re thinking about hiring a fulltime IT tech, congratulations! Having enough consistent needs to fill this role means you’ve worked hard and made good decisions that drove business growth. Our best advice? Don’t stop now!  Moving forward with hiring requires a lot of analysis to avoid major consequences down the line, though. One of the biggest decisions whether you’ll hire someone directly or use a third-party MSP Continue Reading

Ransomware Is Alive And Well

By now, you’re likely familiar with the threat of ransomware, and hopefully that is through training and not experience. While ransomware may not dominate the headlines the way it used to, don’t get fooled into thinking cybercriminals have retired this attack – it is alive and well.   What is ransomware?   In case you’re unfamiliar, ransomware is a malicious software that blocks computer access until a ransom demand is paid. Ransomware has been around for a long time, in Continue Reading

How to Spot a Phish

Phishing scams have become one of the most common forms of cybercrime today. Millions of people fall for Phishing scams every day, you may even know some who has fallen for a phishing scam. Phishing e-mails are a great danger to not only your computer, it can also lead to having your identity stolen, or worse it could cause a massive security risk to your business. These e-mails are more concerning due to the fact Continue Reading