What is NOC and Help Desk

Technology is in every aspect of business, making it no secret that there is a growing need for companies to monitor and manage their business technology without breaking the bank. We hear different terminology with no real explanation behind it, which can leave you feeling like you are in the dark when finding IT solutions. We want to explain two terms that lead to a lot of confusion, Help Desk and NOC, and how these Continue Reading

Teaching Online Safety to Your Children

With schools being held online kids are spending more time online than ever. It is important that you educate your children about the dangers lurking online and how to practice safety while online. This will lead them to online practices that they will carry with them, helping keep them virtually safe. Here are 5 tips to help start your discussion about online safety with your children: 

4 Things That Managed Services Can Save Your Business

What is a managed IT service? Managed IT service is when a company outsources the responsibility of maintaining and improving network functions to a specialized contractor or company. This is an alternative to the expensive break/fix option, where you wait for something to break causing your company downtime while an expensive technician comes to fix all the problems at once. This may cost you hours to days of down time, plus the time that your Continue Reading

How Technology Will Pull Us Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many businesses and people are struggling as the COVID-19 Pandemic closes restaurants and bars, cancels events, and forces people to practice social-distancing. Technology on our side allows us to maintain productivity and ensure life will continue at a somewhat normal clip. We believe there are three key reasons why technology will pull us all through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Successfully Deploying Your Remote Workforce

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many companies are considering work from home options to facilitate social-distancing and keep their workforce healthy. However, it’s not as simple as sending your employees home, firing up personal laptops and getting back to work.  Here are seven things you need to have lined up in order to successfully deploy your remote workforce. Tips for Successfully Deploying Your Remote Workforce Secure Remote Access: Employees should not have open access to Continue Reading

Network Security and Why is it Important

Network Security Many people already know about the Facebook scandal of 2018. A feeling of betrayal and invasion lingers into 2019 as clients are demanding companies to do more to protect their information. As technology advances more personal and professional data is being stored on company networks. However, this data cannot be secured behind a locked filing cabinet in a locked office in a locked building with security, which leaves the question of how to Continue Reading

What You Can Do to Not Become A Cyber-Attack Statistic

Cyber-attacks and Cyber Security Training Most people today know about scams such as a Nigerian prince needing someone to send them money. However, criminals have become clever at hiding their attempts to gain access to your personal and business’s information. In 2018 “Thirty-one percent of organizations have experienced cyber-attacks on operational technology infrastructure” (Cisco Cybersecurity Report). What does this mean to you? Well, Verizon’s 2017 report shows that “61 percent of breach victims in 2017 Continue Reading

Collaboration: Microsoft Teams and BigO Services

Tis the season for celebrating family, friends, and team work. Collaboration has proven to be a huge benefit for productivity, which is a plus for your employees and company. It is important to select the right team members for a project, members who bring a unique and experienced perspective on the project subject. It is just as important to select the right collaboration software for your team. Microsoft Teams offers a versatile collaboration software that Continue Reading